寺田和之(Terada Kazuyuki)出生日本東京,15歲在社團接觸到吉他後,一生投入吉他演奏、教學,來台前為日本知名新堀吉他交響樂團、新堀吉他室內樂團首席指揮,並任新堀藝術學院副校長。曾帶領樂團征戰美、德、義、澳、波蘭、中、韓、新加坡等地,2007年站上維也納金色大廳演出。2015年受邀至波蘭擔任吉他音樂節評審,經歷相當豐富。
新堀寬己(Hiroki Niibori)1957年創立「新堀吉他藝術學院」後,製作了高音、中音、倍低音古典吉他,發展出樂團合奏形式,自成一格,至今已成亞洲古典吉他教學標竿,「米可音樂藝術學院」創辦人趙柏群即是畢業於該校。
Japanese Classical Guitar Master Terada Kazuyuki Settles in Taiwan, to Hold First Concert with Miko in August
“Anime(啊!你來了沒!?)” is the first concert in Taiwan this August by Japan’s classical guitar maestro Terada Kazuyuki(寺田和之) and Miko Guitar Ensemble(米可吉他室內樂團). As the chairman of the International Guitar Orchestra Association(IGOA), Terada Kazuyuki personally adapted anime music and relocated to Taiwan. It is shocked Japan guitar music industry.Terada Kazuyuki said that he didn’t think too much before making the decision. Miko Guitar currently has nearly 200 students, and in the future, we may expect that Taiwan’s classical guitar capabilities surpass Japan.
Terada Kazuyuki, born in Tokyo, immersed himself in guitar playing at the age of 15. Before coming to Taiwan, he served as the chief conductor of the renowned Niibori Guitar Orchestra(新堀吉他交響樂團) and the Niibori Guitar Chamber Orchestra(新堀吉他室內樂團) in Japan, as well as the vice principal of the Niibori Guitar Music Academy(新堀吉他藝術學院). He led orchestras on tours to countries such as the United States, Germany, Italy, Australia, Poland, China, Korea, and Singapore, culminating in a performance at the Goldener Saal in Vienna in 2007. In 2015, he was invited to Poland as a judge for a guitar music festival. He devoted 40 years in classical guitar teaching and performance.
Classical guitar originated in Europe and its tone closely resembles that of the human voice. It has been passed down through generations primarily as a solo instrument. In contrast, folk guitar, which is primarily used for accompaniment, differs significantly in its structure, tone, and playing style.
After Dr. Hiroki Niibori(新堀寬己) founded the Niibori Guitar Musical Academy in 1957, he developed an unique ensemble format for classical guitar using high-pitched, mid-range, and octave bass guitars, which has since become distinctive. This approach has established the academy as a benchmark in Asia. Po-chun Chao(趙柏群), founder of the Miko Guitar Ensemble, also graduated from this school.
In 2012, Terada Kazuyuki led a group of 120 members to perform in Milan and Venice, Italy. During the same year, Miko Guitar expanded its operations and invited Terada Kazuyuki to Taiwan for exchange.
In 2014, Miko Guitar underwent a second transformation, providing job opportunity for young guitar teachers , resulting in a daily increase in students. Po-chun Chao believed that Terada Kazuyuki could significantly strengthen the training of classical guitar teachers in Taiwan. Therefore, he boldly proposed to him an invitation to settle in Taiwan and collaborate on promoting classical guitar together.
During his years of exchange visits to Taiwan, Terada Kazuyuki witnessed Po-chun Chao‘s determination in promoting classical guitar. Therefore, without much hesitation, he agreed to his proposal. Last July, he resigned from his position as vice principal of the Niibori Guitar Music Academy, sold his property in Japan, and relocated to Taichung.
Terada Kazuyuki believes that besides traditional competitions and achieving world rankings in performance, classical guitar should also serve a familial and recreational purpose. For instance, Father could play classical guitar while his child plays the ukulele. Thus, he advocated for ensemble formats in Japan, and Miko Guitar has now introduced a “Classical Guitar for Moms’ Class” .
On August 16th and 18th , the “Anomi(啊!你來了沒!?)” concert will be held in Taipei and Taichung. People aged 4 and above can enter in the concert. The repertoire includes well-known themes such as “One Piece,” “Pokémon,” “Sailor Moon,” “Slam Dunk,” “Demon Slayer,” and “My Child is the One I Picked,” among others. Terada Kazuyuki will serve as the conductor.
During the arrangement process, Terada Kazuyuki found “Demon Slayer” by Aimer (“Homura”) and “My Child is the One I Picked” by YOASOBI (“Idol”) to be the most challenging pieces. However, he expressed an open mindset, willing to exert his best efforts as long as students are willing to perform.
Regarding his collaboration with Miko Guitar, Terada Kazuyuki views this as his final mission in life. He hopes that his technical skills, professional competence, and even his experiences with failure can contribute to Taiwan. While Japan may lose one important music education mentor, it holds promise for fostering more frequent exchanges between Taiwan and Japan.