
消失的悲傷,如何釋放?里米尼紀錄劇團《All right. Good night.》台中上演

《All right. Good night.》以失智、馬航至今失蹤未獲的MH370描述「消失」的故事。(圖:台中文建繪)
《All right. Good night.》以失智、馬航至今失蹤未獲的MH370描述「消失」的故事。(圖:台中文建繪)


來自德國的里米尼紀錄劇團(Rimini Protokoll)作品以場域限定或全球重大事件為主,會進行田野調查,經常使用「日常演員」講述故事腳本,使其更有真實感,四月剛在台北國家兩廳院演出的《這不是個大使館》引起許多人的熱烈反應,「日常演員」包括了前大使吳建國、台灣數位外交協會理事長兼策展人郭家佑、家族為全球最大珍珠奶茶原料供應商的爵士鋼琴音樂家王思雅。

而接續五月在台中演出的《All right. Good night.》沒有日常演員,文字與現場五位音樂家承擔起訊息傳遞的重任。台中歌劇院藝術總監邱瑗詢問,音樂家是否在這部作品中也算是某種「日常演員」?

Helgard Haug(中)來到台中後是先去爬山,感覺到台中是自然與現代並存的城市。Barbara Morgenstern(右)則與女兒去逛夜市。(圖:台中文建繪)
Helgard Haug(中)來到台中後是先去爬山,感覺到台中是自然與現代並存的城市。Barbara Morgenstern(右)則與女兒去逛夜市。(圖:台中文建繪)

Helgard Haug表示,過往經常採用素人演員,但音樂家不是素人,而《All right. Good night》講得也非他們的故事,所以這部作品沒有演員,讓大家細細的閱讀文字,把空間留給大家詮釋。在創作文字與架構時,負責音樂的Barbara Morgenstern會先拿文字構思音樂元素,再與她討論,文字與音樂的生成可說是相輔相成。

Barbara Morgenstern表示,音樂當然也包括自己的經驗,通常音樂是在文字結束後才開始流動,而有些音樂是為其他場景而創作,但在經過討論,發現可能更適合於這個場景,而這個互動的過程也體現了該作「消失、放掉控制」的概念,如:發生失智到家屬的希望控制、最後放掉控制;對此,照顧失智母親的許峻郎對這個過程相當熟悉。

而音樂在不斷蛻變的同時,也逐步的堆疊著馬航消失航班MH370家屬的情緒,Barbara Morgenstern也在其中加入亞洲葬禮的音樂特色,「作曲過程並不困難,因為其中都牽涉人的共同經驗。」

《All right. Good night.》由台積電文教基金會贊助,為「2024台積心築藝術季」的系列節目之一,該藝術季今年已「跨越—心世界」為題,《All right. Good night.》也與里米尼紀錄劇團過去的作品不同,Helgard Haug表示,這次新的發想宛如在白紙上重新作畫,劇團願意承擔風險,也很好奇台灣的觀眾反應如何。

里米尼紀錄劇團《All right. Good night.》台中上演。(圖:台中文建繪)
里米尼紀錄劇團《All right. Good night.》台中上演。(圖:台中文建繪)

How to release sorrow? Rimini Protokoll’s ‘All right. Good night.’ sponsored by TSMC Foundation

The play tells the story of “disappearance” wiht dementia and the still-missing MH370 flight. Victor Hsu(許峻郎), the CEO of the TSMC Foundation, remarked that his mother behaviors as the same “Beyond shock, there is more sadness for us.” The storyline of dementia stems from the director Helgard Haug’s father. Instead of performing on stage, she chose a dual approach of text and music to convey the emotions of the disappeared and their relatives. The use of music to express the emotions of the disappeared and their relatives is one of the highlights.

The Rimini Protokoll, a theater group from Germany, specializes in productions centered around specific locations or global events. They conduct field research and often utilize “un-actors” to narrate their own story scripts, adding a sense of authenticity. “This is not an Embassy” performed in Taipei last month, received enthusiastic responses. The “un-actors” included former ambassador David C. K.Wu(吳建國), Chairman of the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association and curator Jia-you Guo (郭家佑), and jazz pianist Debby Wang(王思雅), whose family supplies the world’s largest tapioca pearl tea ingredients.

The following performance in May in Taichung, “All right. Good night.” performes with no un-actor but text and 5 musicians. Joyce Chiou(邱瑗), General & Artistic Director of National Taichung
Theater, questioned whether the musicians could be considered a form of “un-actors” in this production.

Helgard Haug stated that Rimini Protokoll had previously often cooperated with un-actors, but musicians could not be un-actors. Also, “All right. Good night.” doesn’t tell musicians’ stories. In other words, this production doesn’t feature actors, allowing the audience to carefully read the text injected on stage. When creating the text and structure, Barbara Morgenstern, responsible for the music, first conceptualizes musical elements based on the text and then discusses them with Haug. The generation of text and music can be said to complement each other.

Barbara Morgenstern mentioned that music incorporates her own experiences. In ‘All right. Good night.’, the music usually starts flowing after the text stops, and some pieces of music are created for other scenes. After discussion, they may be found to be more suitable for a particular scene. This interactive process also reflects the concept of “disappearance” and “letting go of control” in the work.

“All right. Good night.” is sponsored by the TSMC Foundation(台積電文教基金會) and is one of the series of programs in the ” TSMC Hsinchu Arts Festival(2024台積心築藝術季)”. It is so different to previous works by Rimini Protokoll. Helgard Haug expressed that this new concept feels like starting with a blank canvas, and Rimini Protokoll is willing to take risks and is curious about the audience’s response in Taiwan.



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